Tag: network security

Cybersecurity tactics for small teams – Network Security – part 2

Please check the previous part – here.

Now, as we can see, attackers can penetrate all of the hardware network devices we reviewed. How easily it depends on how do you set up your cybersecurity and patch policy. 

It is clear that despite your best effort, you must not blindly trust your routers and switches. Lack of trust is precisely the paradigm behind the zero trust model. At the same time, to make attackers’ life harder, it is important to mention three types of defensive cybersecurity tools, which can help you increase your defenses and trust in your local network. 

Until the end of this article, I shall describe them. As a final, I shall give a sample budget for both router and switch devices. Both of them will use open-source software. Usually, they receive software updates quite often and can offer your a good level of security.


A firewall is a network security service that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules.

Firewalls have been the first line of defense in network security for over 25 years. They establish a barrier between secured and controlled internal networks that you can trust and untrusted outside networks, such as the Internet. 

Usually, in the case of home networks, this service is deployed in your hardware router. The last sentence means that the attacker will expose your entire local network to the Internet in case of router penetration.

Intrusion Detection/Prevention

An intrusion prevention system (IPS) is a form of network security that detects and prevents identified threats. Intrusion prevention systems continuously monitor your network, looking for possible malicious incidents and capturing information about them. The IPS reports these events to system administrators and takes preventative action, such as closing access points and configuring firewalls to prevent future attacks.

An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations. Any intrusion activity or breach is typically reported either to an administrator or collected centrally using a security information and event management (SIEM) system. A SIEM system combines outputs from multiple sources and uses alarm filtering techniques to distinguish malicious activity from false alarms.

At home routers, intrusion prevention systems can be deployed on the router device and inspect all the incoming network packets from the Internet. On the other hand, an intrusion detection system is deployed on all the hardware devices connected to your local network. In simpler words, prevention systems monitor your incoming traffic, and detection systems monitor your local network for anomalies. 

On the diagram, you can see a standard SIEM system. The idea of the system is to aggregate all of your logs and data and offer analytics to your security engineers

Group Policy

Group Policies, in part, control what users can and cannot do on a computer system. For example, a Group Policy can enforce a password complexity policy that prevents users from choosing an overly simple password. Other examples include allowing or preventing unidentified users from remote computers to connect to a network share or block/restrict specific folders. A set of such configurations is called a Group Policy Object (GPO). 

Now, group policies can be a powerful instrument for system administrators to define how the organization computers act to different security threats. Unfortunately, Group Policy settings are enforced voluntarily by the targeted applications. In many cases, this merely consists of disabling the user interface for a particular function of accessing it. Alternatively, a malicious user can modify or interfere with the application to not successfully read its Group Policy settings, thus enforcing potentially lower security defaults or even returning arbitrary values.

For home-based local networks, the usage of group policies is usually limited. Still, I would advise system administrators of small teams to think carefully, how to add group policies to their remote office deployments. In combination with VPN, Group Policies can add much value to your cybersecurity workflow.


As I promised at the beginning of this series, I shall give a sample security budget for every topic we discuss. Again I will tailor the budget to small teams with an underfunded budget for cybersecurity defenses. 

  • Router (180$): I would go for Pfsense or IPFire based hardware appliances. Both provide reasonable protections, even though the first is based on FreeBSD and the second is a Linux distribution. Both have state-of-the-art firewalls, and both support Snort and Suricata, which are the best intrusion prevention systems. Additionally, they have Syslog support so that the router can become a part of an intrusion detection system.
  • Switch (150$): SwitchBlox Rugged is a good option here. It is a little bit more expensive than the standard network switches. However, it comes with an open-source networking operating system and can work in harsh environments. Two switches can be stacked together.
  • SIEM System (0$): MozDef is a SIEM system developed by Mozilla. It is open-source and supports all the necessary features for SIEM systems. 
  • Group Policy Server (150$): We can order PC Engine’s apu4d4 unit and install on top of it Univention Corporate Server. With it, we can create policies for Ubuntu and Windows-based computers.

With a total budget of around 480$, we achieved a pretty good level of security. Still, a determined attacker can penetrate this setup, but it will take him more time and resources. The switch is optional, but it will help if you want improved security and choose to have a WiFi network for guests only.

In conclusion, setting up a network perimeter can be done effectively on a budget. Still, it is essential to note that the budget does not include the human hours needed to set up the equipment and your local network.

Next part is – here.

Real time body camera system – Network Protocol – part 1

In this series of articles, we shall discuss one of my old projects. During that time, I had a consulting company working in IT, and this project was part of my initial steps in cybersecurity. The project started around the middle of 2015 and ceased to exist at the end of 2016. It is in body cameras, and actually, it was a competition to systems such as Axon Body 3 camera. During the lifecycle of this project, Axon cameras did not support LTE-based streaming.

The team around the project and I managed to produce a working prototype of the system, and in this series, I shall present to you how we implemented the prototype. At the end of the articles, I shall show you the actual budget for doing this prototype and analyze why it was unsuccessful. 

The topic of this part will be an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the current video streaming network protocols. We shall start with the standard video streaming protocols, and at the end of the article, we shall discuss our modified, more secure protocol.

There are multiple different protocols for video streaming. Part of them do not support encryption, and we shall focus ourselves on those which support it.


Real-Time Messaging Protocol or RTMP is used to stream multimedia data – audio and video – between Flash Media Server and Flash Player. The chief utility of the RTMP stream is in the optimization of the audio and video data transfer between the server and player.

Encrypted RTMP (RTMPE) wraps the RTMP stream session in a lightweight encryption layer. Through Encrypted RTMPE, the streaming protocol provides low-level stream encryptions for high-traffic sites. RTMPE uses the Anonymous Diffie-Hellman key exchange method. In this algorithm, two parties – the media server and the flash player – establish a shared secret key over an insecure channel.

The standard RMTP protocol uses TCP, and RTPMe uses an encryption model based on a shared secret.

HTTP Live Streaming Encryption Methods

While the HLS supports AES-128 encryption, there are two different ways to implement the standard in practice.

Broadcasters can use one key to encrypt the entire video stream, but that also means the whole stream is unprotected if an unauthorized third party intercepts the secret key.

Alternatively, each segment of a stream can be encrypted with a different key. That way, users can access only a few seconds of video with each specific key. Broadcasters might choose this method if the video content their sharing is highly sensitive.

As it comes from its name, HTTP Streaming uses HTTP to resemble MPEG-DASH. It works by breaking the overall stream into a sequence of small HTTP-based file downloads, each downloading one short chunk of a broad, potentially unbounded transport stream. A list of available streams, encoded at different bit rates, is sent to the client using an extended M3U playlist. HTTP is a TCP-based protocol, as well.

MPEG DASH Encryption

Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH), also known as MPEG-DASH, is an adaptive bitrate streaming technique that enables high-quality streaming of media content over the Internet delivered from conventional HTTP web servers. Similar to Apple’s HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) solution, MPEG-DASH works by breaking the content into a sequence of small segments, which are served over HTTP. Each piece contains a short interval of playback time of content that is potentially many hours in duration, such as a movie or the live broadcast of a sports event.

MPEG DASH supports a Common Encryption mode (CENC), which Bento4 implements. Encrypted MPEG DASH presentations should also include the proper signaling in the MPD to inform the player of what DRM(s) can be used to obtain the decryption keys for the streams. An MPD can contain DRM signaling for several DRMs (either just one or multiple entries if the same stream can reach players with different DRM technologies).

Again MPEG Dash is based on HTTP, aka TCP. In that case, DRM encryption is usually based on a public, private key encryption scheme.

On the diagram, you can see a standard AVI container. The video data objects are x264/h264 frames, which most of the streaming protocols encrypt, encode, and stream.

Our Modified Streaming Protocol

As you can see from the upper paragraphs, every standard encryption protocol was designed to stream data from a centralized server to a list of devices. Most of them use the traditional HTTP delivery networks to speed up their streaming. In our case, we had an entirely different problem. We had to stream encrypted content from multiple body cameras to a centralized server and, after that, restream the video from the server to a web browser-based dashboard. LTE networks can be quite fast when you have proper coverage, but when your signal drops, your network speed drops significantly, as well. So we decided to design our video streaming protocol, and I shall list our requirements:

  • Based on UDP: Sending TCP data through LTE can hurt your performance a lot. That’s the reason we decided to establish our protocol on UDP and to implement packet control.
  • Based on X264: X264 is an open-source implementation of the H.264 protocol. It is already implemented in most Android devices and is supported natively. The encoding rate is reasonable.
  • Codec agnostic: In the future, we wanted to support H.265 and its open-source implementation. Thus the protocol had to be code agnostic.
  • To use hybrid encryption: Most of the listed protocols do not use a hybrid encryption approach. We wanted our protocol to have better authentication and encryption mechanism, and that’s why we decided to use hybrid-based encryption on top of RSA and AES-GCM. We changed the keyphrase and IV for AES on every packet frame sent to implement the encryption correctly.
  • Binary-based: Keeping in mind that LTE is usually sold using monthly plans. These plans are generally only a couple of gigabytes. So we ended up making a binary-based protocol. Any other protocols, and especially the semantic-based ones, would result in more significant data consumption.
  • Adaptive Bitrate: The LTE network bandwidth depends on how strong a radio signal your device has. The weaker the signal, the lower the bandwidth. We had to implement an adaptive bitrate strategy, which lowered the resolution in a weaker signal. This way, you could receive frames no matter how strong is your LTE cell signal.

Our proof of concept implementation managed to fulfill these requirements. The finished network protocol was fast enough and binary compatible. It supported adaptive bitrate and was code agnostic. 

On the diagram, you can see a sample datagram of this protocol. The MTU was 1500 bytes to support all kinds of equipment, but not only with jumbo frames.

We used an UUIDv4 and RSA signature for authentication purposes. After that, you have multiple fields as a counter in the index, date, packet size, and an array of bytes. The implementation stripped down an h.264 frame to multiple UDP packets and sent them together. The server combined them back to the h.264 packet and appended them to corresponding files. 

We saw that it is better to have adaptive logic on the codec level during our tests for the protocol. For example, a simple JPEG stream was much better when the signal was weaker.

In the next part, we shall discuss how we created our body camera device and its software. We shall discuss our streaming server implementation in the final third part, give you a budget, and explain why the whole business model did not work as expected.

Next part is here

Cybersecurity tactics for small teams – Network Security – part 1

Please check the previous part – here.

After we finished our two pieces for physical cybersecurity in this and the next one, we shall discuss how to defend your computer network. For a long time, I wondered whether to start with computer and mobile phone devices security first or start with the network security perimeter. In the end, I decided to follow the standard technical approach a computer hacker will use to penetrate your defenses – intelligence recon, network penetration, and finally, device exploits. In social engineering, the hacker will skip network penetration and directly exploit your devices.

So network security, here we go. 

Computer network protocol design is not with security and privacy in mind. After decades of cybercrimes and research on how to stop them, we finally have a solution for these problems. The zero-trust security model is almost 12 years old, with Google using it since 2009. However, despite the good news, the model has its use mainly in big corporates so far. I firmly believe that small organizations and teams can use this model or parts of it. 

But what is the idea of this approach? It is not something new – you have to understand that you can not trust any data in transit, including your own smartphone or laptop apps. Zero trust dictates that the whole network or application path between your application and the server could be malicious, including all the hardware devices along this path – network routers, switches, servers, laptops, and smartphones. 

Still, despite the zero-trust paradigm, I think that people must make sure that the hardware devices under their control are as secure and patched as possible. I market this work approach because the more layers of security you have, the harder it will be for an attacker to penetrate you. Or in short, zero trust does not invalidate other security practices. It just adds new tools to your defensive cybersecurity toolset.

So let’s start with the different network devices and their attack vectors:


So what is a router? A router’s standard definition is a hardware device, which connects different computer networks and forward packets between them. In the case of your home or office router, this is your home/office network and the Internet. Every network packet going to or from the Internet comes and goes through this router. 

In terms of network security, routers are your first line of protection versus network penetration attempts. Or, in simple words, they are your cyber gateway to cyberspace. Additionally, they offer a different range of services regarding your protection. Such services are Firewalls, Intrusion detection systems, NAT service, Syslog server, and many more. 

It is essential to treat your router as a highly specialized computer system. As a computer system, it inherits some of the security problems your personal computer has. Let me list the different attack vectors, which an attacker can use to penetrate your router.

On the diagram, you can see a standard small office deployment. Both of the firewalls are connected in CARP mode, and they become a virtual router. Usually, every firewall is deployed on a standalone hardware device. 
  • Misconfiguration: Sometimes, routers not come with the best configuration in terms of cybersecurity. For example, enabled remote access functionality can be pretty helpful for system administrators, but at the same time, it exposes your router to attackers.
  • Outdated software: Usually, home routers run on quite obsolete software. It is rare, a home user to upgrade the software version of their router. Unfortunately, this leads to systems without proper security patches and gives the attackers an excellent opportunity for hacking the router.
  • Exposed services: Most of the modern routers support additional services such as VPN and IPSec servers. It is essential to understand that every exposed service can be an attack vector for our attacker. In the case of VPN, this is usually not true, but there are exceptions.


Next in line is the network switch. By definition, a network switch is a network device, which connects different network devices into a local computer network by using packet switching to forward and receive data to the destination device. The network switch learns the identities of connected devices and then only delivers data to the port connected to the device to which it is addressed.

In other words, think about the router device as a controller of the local network and about the switch device as an intelligent extender of a local network segment. Still, every switch is a highly specialized computer system, and it inherits the cybersecurity problems other computer systems have. Let me list them.

Most modern companies use cloud providers for their services and do not waste their time deploying hardware. However, the bigger your become, the more hardware you have to set up because it becomes cheaper for you. However, the same principles for cybersecurity apply both to your home office and a multi-national corporation.
  • Network Flood: A malicious actor can try flooding the local network with packets and making it not responsible. Usually, this happens with older switches. Most of the modern ones have protection in place.
  • VLAN sniffing: Most modern switches support network isolation by tagging the packets. This way, different computers in your local networks can not listen to packets living in other virtual networks. Still, if the switch tagging the packets got penetrated, the attacker can listen to all network packets.
  • Remote Access: Newer and more expensive network switches have an entire operating system built inside. It supports remote access features for system administrators and many more. Still, the more one device is intelligent, the bigger the attack surface it has. 

Next part is – here.